b.square is the meeting management platform that simplifies the organization of one-to-one meetings events and allows organizers to skip the daily manual work and focus on participant satisfaction.
Networking & B2B
In recent years, one to one meeting events has spread, in which professionals and companies in a specific sector can meet, get to know each other and create synergies and partnerships to increase their business.
These are usually events of one or more days that see side by side conferences, workshops and moments dedicated to vis-a-vis meetings among company delegates: it is in these moments that we can know each other and we can lay the foundations for possible collaborations.
These private interviews are however a critical issue for the organizers of the event: those taking part in this type of event want to take advantage of all the time available to them for meetings, giving priority to the companies they consider most interesting for their business.
The organization is thus able to manage an extremely complex schedule of appointments, which is being populated as the holdings are confirmed and which changes continuously, depending on the variations in the availability of the various actors.
Risolviamo is the ideal partner to manage this complexity. Through the matchmaking platform b.square, each user can organize their time by indicating their availability and indicating the most interesting appointments.
The agenda is created automatically thanks to an optimization algorithm based on operational search heuristics; the procedure creates an optimal solution, for a timetable that satisfies the constraints imposed by the participants and the organizers.
Networking & B2B Clients