b.square is the meeting management platform that simplifies the organization of one-to-one meetings events and allows organizers to skip the daily manual work and focus on participant satisfaction.
Rights Centers: reading is fundamental!
The first version of b.square was created more than ten years ago for the "Rights Center" of the most important Book Fair in Italy: the International Book Forum of the Turin International Book Fair.
Since then, the platform grew up year by year, becoming the best one to one meetings solution for Rights Centers.
What is a Rights Center?
It is a place where professional operators meet each other for doing business and networking.
It is typically hosted in an International Book Fair and can be more or less managed by the fair's organization.
The professional operators involved in a Rights Center are:
- Publishing companies
- Literary agencies
- Film companies
- Press
- Scouting / Talent agencies
- Multimedia companies
How do participants arrange meetings without b.square?
They typically ask for a meeting via email, in some cases throughout a fake mobile service, or ask organizers to introduce them to some potential interlocutors.
But is this really working?
For participants this methodology can be:
- time-consuming: many e-mails for one meeting;
- underperforming: a few useful sessions;
- non-inclusive: new participants are cut off from the business.
For organizers this type of event is:
- not a real value to the Fair: probably unprofessional and informal;
- difficult to manage: no one knows how many meetings there are and when they take place;
- unknown: it gives no information about business flow and participants' real satisfaction.
Can b.square make the difference?
As a solution, by relying on our b.square solution, here some relevant aspects you can be aware of and reflect on.
Participants can:
- easily profile themself;
- quickly find a potential interlocutor;
- arrange a meeting by a click;
- manage their availability;
- obtain the best scheduling possible organized by our AI.
Organizers can:
- have a clear view of general and specific results and numbers (participants, meetings, availability, tables);
- create a valuable service for the fair;
- quickly help participants during the event;
- improve customer satisfaction.
By choosing b.square, a one to one meeting event improves its customers' satisfaction and become more significant and more valuable year after year.
Our format is suitable both for the creation of a new thriving Rights Center and for the growth of those who already are popular and confirmed.
Rights center Clients